How to dress for a beach party: Tips for men

The time has come! You can finally allow yourself to think about your well-deserved holiday and also about how to dress for a beach party. And if you've chosen a seaside location to enjoy the summer, remember to pack stylish clothes and accessories suitable for an evening in this magical place. 

You're probably going to a party, and you certainly can't risk arriving at the event unprepared. Taking care of your appearance is not enough: if you really want to look classy even on the beach, you also need to adopt the right behaviours. 

How to dress for a beach party demands a different dress code to the clothes we usually wear at events that take place in private clubs, discos or restaurants. Unless explicitly stated in the invitations. 

The question is: What is the right men's clothing for a night with a view of the sea and under the stars? Here are a few tips that may come in very handy indeed when the trip is simply a getaway.

Here's how to dress for a beach party

First of all, forget about the classically elegant men's suits you usually wear to evening events. You'd feel out of place, not to mention the hassle of wearing a suit and having to juggle sand, seaside loungers and salt to torment you. So, let's see how to dress for a beach party. 

Adapt to the context

The first essential rule to follow for your beach soiree is to try to gather as much information as possible. Is it an elegant and exclusive event, or more of an informal and noisy beach party? 

The range of possibilities is very wide, in fact, there is a huge difference between a party on the sand with friends and a dinner hosted by the most glamorous hotel in town. You may, however, have some difficulties if you only know the general details of the event that awaits you. 

If it is, for example, an aperitif open to the public or a beach party and nothing more. In these cases, to avoid making mistakes, opt for chic but not too elegant outfits. Remember that total white is always an excellent option: your look will be trendy and classy at the same time.

Better a casual look

How to dress for a beach partyWhile remaining elegant, it doesn't require a lot of glitz and glamour. For this reason, we recommend that you opt for a casual look.

  • Jeans: Skinny jeans are without a doubt the men's garment in which you can look smart but also casual. Pair your jeans with a nice fitted linen or cotton shirt, which you can also wear on the outside for the occasion. Don't unbutton it too much to avoid looking too casual, but feel free to leave the first two buttons open. 
  • Tailored jacket: Summer nights by the sea are humid, so wear a nice tailored jacket in summery tones and the trendiest prints of the moment. Wear dark jeans with a white shirt and blue camouflage jacket and all eyes will be on you!
  • Shoes or barefoot?  If the party includes a moment of wild dancing under the stars, avoid fancy, formal shoes, but feel free to stay barefoot by rolling up the sleeves of your jeans a few inches.

Accessories: Yes to hats and glasses

Where you stay also makes a difference. So, when it comes to imagining how to dress for a beach party the "wild" look may win out. 

Don't rule out wearing a pair of shorts with a white flannel. The chic touch? A printed shirt to wear on top. On your feet you wear a pair of white sneakers. And don't forget your glasses.

 Don't forget your swimming costume

Pack your swimming costume in your suitcase too. You'll definitely need it for another occasion, but not for an evening at the beach. Bear in mind that, in general, beach parties often end with a dip in the sea.

You can't risk being left alone at the table while everyone else dives in just because you're not equipped. And maybe just when you finally get to meet that cute girl you've been eyeing for days.

Obviously, don't choose a swimming costume at random. To be chic, opt for a black or polka dot model.

Respecting others and the environment

The beach is probably one of the contexts in which we feel the freest and lightest. But even if you have "let yourself go" and fully immersed yourself in the atmosphere of the night, remember that you should not only think about how to dress for a beach party.

Don't forget about others and nature. Being chic also means behaving with respect. Don't leave your waste on the beach, even if there is no bin to dispose of it: take it with you and dispose of it as soon as possible.

You probably hate it too when, on your morning walks along the coast, you see abandoned bottles and glasses. Don't contribute to environmental degradation with your behaviour.


¿How to dress for a beach party? The question is not so simple, because a nightclub event, an elegant or informal party, requires a fairly straightforward dress code. A beach party, on the other hand, presents serious complications.  

The fact is that we never go to the beach in a fancy suit, even if it is a party. The appropriate attire for these occasions is to go for a casual or informal look, depending on the context.

White is always synonymous with elegance, however, daring with colours can also be a distinctive sign of style. We highly recommend wearing something super colourful 80's style, strong colour combinations or you can go for the more animal look. 

Never go to the beach without sunglasses and hats. These accessories are the ultimate touch of elegance. 


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